Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Like a Deer in the Headlights

Sooo, here I am at 12:30 in the morning updating our blog...

Why you may ask,

Well tomorrow, I have to go get some futher testing to find out what "interesting" thing was picked up on a recent mri...

Honestly, I'm a wee bit nervous.

Knowing that God is in contol of our lives is so comforting and I have to believe and trust that whatever they are going to find tomorrow will be benign or maybe a shadow.

As nervous as I have been, the Lord opened the gumption in me to go forward with this testing - this happened when I fell again on Sunday morning.

We are really hoping that these findings will help us and my doctor's understand why I'm falling approximately every 2 to 3 weeks.

As God puts my family and me on your mind, I would appreciate your prayers, especially for my precious husband and children. My hearts desire is to the be the wife and mother they need me to be --- soon! =-)

May God bless you and your family as you start this wonderful year of 2010!