Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas and New Year Delights!

Merry Christmas wishes and blessings to you for this new, upcoming year!

Amazement and wonderment flood my heart at the knowledge that this time last year we were in Colorado not knowing where God would be leading us to go and yet, here we are again - in a new town and not knowing where we will be spending next Christmas!

Life is definitely a journey - filled with ups and downs and laughter and tears...

God says in Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thy heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

The word 'paths' that is used implies we are constantly moving and that we need to just trust that God has amazing plans for our future! *Jeremiah 29:11

As I reflect back on this past year, finding out we were moving across the country *again* - finalizing our daughter's adoption - our daughter receiving her US citizenship papers - the boys' starting 'big kid' school - loss of friends - sickness - surgeries - moving - making new friends, etc. I'm left to wonder what 2010 holds...

The comfort is knowing that we are safe in the arms of Jesus and He knows what this year will bring and good or bad, He promises to be with us through it all!

May God bless you and may your year be full of laughter, joy, love and friendship!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What an amazing day we had yesterday!

Last week, Gabi came up to me with a wad of her hair in her hand - she had obviously cut it! I laughed and hugged her and Tuesday, Gabi and went in to see Shauna she is an AMAZING hairstylist - I can't recommend her enough - call or post to let me know if I can hook you up - she really is great! =-)

Gabi told Shauna that she wanted her hair cut like Dora the Explorer - but Gabi fell fast asleep but when she woke up and looked in the mirror, we could all see how much she loved her new hair. =-)

Well must run for now, I'm exhausted - but I've got some other sweet stories to share with you all sometime. =-)

God Bless You,

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Patriotic Mom's Unite!

Wow! It's been a long time since I've logged in here! Between school, sports, church, family time, etc. we've just simply been busy!

However, due to recent political unrest, mom's across our nation have banded together and formed a group. Here is the website for you to review.

Visit As A Mom...

May God bless and may God bless America!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Individual Time...

This past week has simply been awesome!

The boys had vacation Bible school at church this week, it has been marvelous to hear them come home singing the songs and telling me about their day at 'school'. =-)

Monday evening as I was trying to figure out what to fix for my family for dinner, our 6 year old son said, "Mom, I want to take you on a date!" Well that's all it took - he and I went out to eat at a fantastic steak restaurant! Our meal was a beautiful presentation of a perfectly cooked steak with gormet french fries and Root Beers. We laughed and talked all through the dinner, afterwards we took a walk through the little villiage the restaurant was located in and he and I had so much fun just simply being together.

Wednesday morning after dropping the boys off at vbs, my 2 year old daughter and I had a spa day - what fun we had being together! I'm looking forward to more of those mother/daughter times!

Wednesday evening, our 5 year old son took me out to eat at our favorite pizza joint. Originally he wanted to go to McDonalds, then changed his mind to Red Lobster, and eventually settled on the pizza place. It happens to be in the same location as the steak restaurant! He kept me laughing all through the meal, in fact we took more home than we ate at the restaurant because of the laughing and talking we did. Then we went for a walk, got an ice cream and talked and laughed some more.

What stood out to me was how fabulous and different all 3 of them really are and how precious the time was that I got to spend with each of them in these times alone.

This is definitely something I want to do more often - it became apparent to me that not only is individual time important for me to spend with God, and how precious it is for husbands and wives to spend time alone, but also for parents and children to spend individual time with each other.

My hearts desire is that my children will not only see me as their mother but as a friend that they can always trust to love them, support them, and laugh/cry with them.

Thank you Lord for my children ~ they are the delight of my heart. Please let me be the mother they need me to be. In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rejoice Always ...

Here is the understatement of the year, "Somedays are better than others".

It seems like over the last couple of weeks, our family has been on a roller coaster of good days and bad days ~ the good days are fun, easy and carefree --- the bad days are tough, emotional and full of difficult decisions.

This past week, we've had to make one of those difficult decisions regarding our home back in Colorado; after much prayer and talking, we have decided to sell our Colorado dream home at a financial loss - very tough, very emotional and very upsetting to have to make that decision.

God tells us in I Thessalonians 5:18, In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

With that verse in mind, we decided to 'celebrate' the pending sale of our home by going out to have some 'Family Fun' at a local garden - we had so much fun and it was truly uplifting to see the children have such a great time - it was refreshment for our souls to see the smiles on their faces.

Life is certainly exciting - in a scary roller coaster sort of way - one never knows what is just up over that next hill.

Thank you Father for your blessings, leadership, and love for us. Please help us be who you want us to be in all situations, good and bad. ~ Amen

My friend, bless you and may God give you the perfect peace that only He can provide!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

America ~ Home of the free BECAUSE of the brave!

On July 4, 1776 our country celebrated the completion of the Declaration of Independence.

The brave men who signed this petition did so at the risk of being thrown in prison and/or killed - their act of bravery set in motion the beginning of a great nation - our nation --- the United States of America!

With pride, honor, and gratitude to God - I say Happy Birthday my beloved country! May God bless our country and our people.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Smile! It increases your face value!" ~Truvy (aka Dolly Parton) - 'Steel Magnolia's'

Phyllis Diller once said that "A smile is a curve that sets everything straight." I think she was absolutely correct on that one! =-)

As a nervous and new mommy, I remember very clearly the first smile I received from our baby soon after we adopted him - it was at that point that I knew everything was going to be okay and he was happy --- Through the years as we adopted our 2 other children that was always the thing we strived for - smiles from our babies...

It struck me that smiling is such a powerful tool in communicating with those around us - it can serve as a bond between a baby and a parent; reassurances between spouses, friends, parents & children that everything is going to be okay; and it can tell the whole world you're happy about something.

A smile. Very simple to do and yet it is so powerful and has such a huge impact on all around us.

My encouragement today - smile at someone - anyone and just see what happens! =-)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What in the World?!

What in the world is going on - where has this summer gone to?!

We are awestruck that it's already mid-June and the boys are a short 2 months away from starting school.

Speaking of school - we got the boys K-5 cap & gown pics this week - FINALLY! =-) It also included beautiful diplomas, a class picture, and yearbooks --- so sweet! =-)

Even though it's only Tuesday, we have certainly been through alot of emotions this week and have alot of tough decisions to make over the next week or so - please keep us in your prayers that we will know God's will. =-)

Well, I've included a couple of pictures as you can see - Gigi's dress is my first attempt at making her a tutu dress - it's time consuming but fun and her absolute delight over her princess dress makes it all worth while! =-) Now my girlfriends are wanting me to make some for their daughters! =-)

The boys have a very busy summer ahead with sports, VBS, and other things we have planned.

Life is certainly good! =-)

Many blessings to you and your family!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Dear Friends,

I'm so sorry it's been such a while since I blogged. Our lives have been filled with "experiences" of late -- we moved to a different state, with certain expectations and faced decisions that we never dreamed we would face.

The experience of ups and downs that we've all been through during this move have been full of many of the same emotions one faces on a roller coaster - nervousness, fright, and laughter. Unlike the roller coaster, we don't necessarily want to do this again. =-)

Even though we faced quite a disappointment on one thing, everything else is wonderful! We are enjoying the area, making new friends, and acting like tourists going on adventures and trying out different 'touristy' (I just made up that word!) things...

Overall, we are happy and are adjusting well to this new life style here in Alabama.

God's Many Blessings on You!

Monday, April 13, 2009

"Whiter Than Snow...What a Mighty God We Serve!"

We woke up Easter morning to find that all of our Easter wear would not be worn - once again, we were snowed in - ahhh Spring time in the Rockies! =-)

God was certainly good though - Mark read the Easter story from the Bible and the boys (without prodding from us), decided they wanted to read some of the story! What a blessing to hear the children read God's Word!

After that, we sent them in another room and put out their Easter Baskets and gifts from Grand Daddy and Grammy - they LOVED opening their new gifts. =-)

After the children went to go play with their new toys, Mark and I talked about how amazing it is that God says He washes away our sins - in fact, He says in Psalms 57:7b, "...wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Then looking outside at the deep snow, we were amazed at God's goodness and grace!

God is so amazing that He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins and then He rose again the 3rd day - He is showing us His love for us!

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Dear Reader, during this Easter celebration, please remember that Jesus loves you! If you would like to know the security of eternal life and assurance you will go to Heaven, then please say the following prayer -

Dear Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins. Please forgive me. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and ask You to save me. I love you Lord Jesus. Amen

That's it! That's all you have to do. May you know the redemption that Christ can give you!

Blessings to you in Jesus' Holy Name,

Friday, April 10, 2009

"Flying W Ranch"

A true Colorado experience - cowboys, wranglers, singing, and steaks! Tonight we went to the Flying W Ranch in Colorado Springs, Colorado to celebrate Gabi's citizenship. What a wonderful time we had - lots of fun, fellowship, laughter, and singing. I would highly recommend this place if you're ever in the area - the musicians were amazing and the food was delicious. The children laughed, sang, and danced along with the singing cowboys. It was so cute to watch them have so much fun! Even the Singing Cowboys dedicated a song to Gabi in celebration of her citizenship! =-) Enjoy the pictures and video! *Don't forget to turn the music off at the bottom of the page before playing the video!
Blessings to you, Anna

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Adoption is a Journey!

Yesterday, we spoke with the immigration officer regarding Gabi's paperwork to become a citizen of the United States of America.

We're moving in the next couple of weeks to a different state and if her paperwork isn't approved before we move, then it will be transferred to another state (not the one we're moving to) and will delay her citizenship.

He told us that he will try to find out if we can get it before our move, but wasn't positive.

Of course, we're hoping for her citizenship request to go through quickly, but know that everything is in God's hands.

Please pray with us as we seek God's perfect will and plan!

***UPDATE: It's 4 pm and we just received a phone call - Gabi has been approved to become a citizen of the United States!!! Praise the Lord! God has answered our prayers! =-)

Matthew 18:5
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Precious Moments ~ Video

Today, I put together a montage of our visits to Glen Eyrie Castle and the Airforce Academy, so I thought I would share this with you!

Be sure to turn off the music at the bottom of the page before playing the video! =-)

Blessings, Anna

More photo's from today!

"What a Day!"

Wow! Today, was so busy!!! We had a scheduled appointment to meet with the travel reg, but before we left we half heartedly got the house ready to show - just in case...

When we got to the Air Force Academy, where our meeting was, we got a call saying someone did in fact want to see the house!

What a lesson we learned - we must put our whole heart into it when we go anywhere since no one knows when someone might want to see the house.

When we got the feedback a while ago, it was AMAZING! Praise the Lord - they loved the house and this home has moved up on their list, and they loved everything we love about living here, the incredible views, golf course, cul-de-sac, yard, etc. --- even though they're still looking... *sigh*

God knows our needs and wants, and this is time we must let go and let God - now that I just said that, I guess in ALL things that's just the way it is, we must give our lives over to our King of Kings!
Well, since we were out anyway, we decided to see the chapel at the Air Force Academy - it was simply stunning! We took a hike there and although it was only 1/3 mile one way, it packed quite a punch! We loved it though as you can see in the pictures! The children thought they were in a race - they ran up and down the trail and they 'sometimes' had to wait paitently for us to catch up to them! What a wonderful world to see through such precious children's eyes!

It's so like God that He gives us this wonderful opportunity to be parents and allow us to have fun with the children and see things like racing down a trail - as the same as racing through life and loving the journey! Yes this did make me start thinking about all the verses in the Bible that pertain to racing or competition! (I'll share later!) =0)

After our meeting to set up our moving date, we took some pictures with some jets and then had another meeting across town with our realtor - then off we went to play putt-putt and afterwards, we decided to go to our favorite Italian Restaurant! They leave a huge bottle of olive oil with herbs at the table to eat with your bread - yummy! Our family demolished the bread, we had worked up such an appetite. =-)

As I look back over today, I am so thankful to God that He has given me such a wonderful family! We're just like any family, we have our moments of laughter and squabbles, but overall, we're in it to win it!

Going back to verses pertaining to racing and competition, this is the one I chose, although there are many!
Hebrews 12:1 - 2
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Blessings to you and your family this Easter week!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Our Snow Day...

Yes, today we had another snow day!!! The wind gust were up to 50 mph at times, and our house actually was shaking... It's been snowing all day, but we haven't got alot of accumulation due to the winds. I did take a video and pictures of this amazing day.

In our backyard, you can see items scattered about - I assure you, we don't keep our yard like that! =-) It's from the wind. This day is just one of the many fun and 'interesting' memories we will take when we move from Colorado! =-)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Break!

What an amazing 2 weeks of Spring Break we had around here...

The 2 blizzards we had, pretty much kept us at home the entire time, but when the first good day of weather happened, we decided to go out as a family!

Monday evening we went to the train restaurant that our family enjoys so much - the trains drive by and the engineer blows his whistle - it's very exciting!

The next day we went to the Japanese Restaurant where they cook the food at your table - we laughed and clapped for our chef - he did a great job! =-)

Afterwards, we decided to go look for a castle we had heard about run by The Navigators, a Christian organization.

We found it as you can see from the pictures above!

Honestly it was the most relaxing place I've ever had the pleasure of going to and certainly wish we would have known about this place before - it was amazing!

Their website is

It was awesome!

We are so thankful that we've gotten to live here in Colorado, even though it has been for a short amount of time - it's been wonderful seeing the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

Isaiah 55:12
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.